
Thursday, January 20, 2005

Ignoration Day 

Texas has invaded the city. I took a cab to work today just to avoid the horror stories my co-workers brought to the office. Tales of being squeezed between a twangy couple with an oversized cowboy hat and an even more oversized fur coat.

Even though I'm here in the middle of it all, right next to the Capitol and Union Station, I've managed to ignore it all (except for watching jib-jab's new cartoon titled Second Term).

I also tried to do my civic duty and read the speech (I figured I could read just not bear to watch the orator) until I came to the fourth paragraph where this guy really had the gall to say "The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world" instead of "The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of violence in all the world" which is more the current policy of this administration. I just can't read to the end... Let me know if I missed anything.


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