
Wednesday, August 09, 2006


So it looks like Schiavoni is going to need some pins in those bones. She'll be off the keyboard for some several weeks more. She allegedly scanned the x-rays but I don't know why she hasn't posted them here yet.

It was exciting to have such vigorous debate on this site (thank you matty and anonymous!). I am thrilled that my last post inspired such passion. I don't know the polls but Leiberman's independent candidacy best not result in the Repugs winning the seat.

One thing that kept coming up in the debate was that word 'principled.' It is a word which is neat because it can be used, with the same meaning, as either an insult or a compliment. For instance, our boy Feingold is called principled--either by matty who's pissed about his Ashcroft vote (but you really think that AG choice number two wouldn't have advocated just as vigorously what whatever DoJ lackey did the actual writing) or by me who is just happy he believes in something and has consistency in almost everything he does.

Can you be too principled? I love Feingold's principled stands on the issues even though I occasionally disagree with him. For awhile I was calling him the only principled member of the Senate. Until I remembered that we don't all have the same principles.

I hate Brownback's principled stands because I hate his principles. Principles are great when you generally agree with them (against patriot acts, the president spying on our citizens, etc) but annoying when you don't (anti-abortion, stem cells, etc.).

So who are #1 and #2 on a google 'principled senator' search? #1: Hutchinson's vote for some tiny amount of cash for the national legal services program #2: the late, lamented, Wellstone.

Any thoughts on least- or most-principled congresspeople and whether it's a good or a bad thing? There's a point where you ought to be practical instead of principled, I suppose.


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